The companies Anvitrade (Wexler Group) and Alliance Energy Trade offered the lowest prices at two tenders of JSC Ukrzaliznytsia for the supply of 20 thousand tons of diesel fuel under formula contracts. This is evidenced by the results of two of the five tenders in the ProZorro system.
Anvitrade won in one tender with an estimated price of 20,600 UAH / t, Alliance Energy Trade in the second procedure – with a price of 20,999.99 UAH / t.
Formula pricing stipulates that the estimated price of DT at European quotes 10 days before the auction and at the rate on the date of the auction is subtracted from the price proposed by the winners of the auctions. Thus, the so-called “fixed margin” of the supplier is determined. This is not a trader’s net earnings, but a premium to the level of European quotes. According to enkorr estimates, it will be 825.5 UAH / t or $ 33.6 / t at the current rate for Anvitrade, and 1158.8 UAH / t or $ 47.1 / t at the current rate for Alliance Energy Trade.
In the future, this “fixed margin” is added to the estimated price for quotations 10 days before receiving the order for the shipment of fuel.
In other words, the prices offered by suppliers are 20 999.99 UAH / t and 20 600 UAH / t – these are prices at which companies are conditionally ready to deliver fuel on the auction day, March 2. For comparison: according to the A-95 Consulting Group, the average market price of diesel fuel on March 2 is 22,030 UAH / t.
In addition to the winners, OKKO, Ukrtatnafta, Sokar Ukraine, Torum, and Southern Fuel Expedition Company (UTEK) participated in the auctions.
Results of auctions of ultrasound on tenders for 20 thousand tons of diesel fuel:
The remaining three auctions will be held March 3.
As enkorr reported, in 2019, Ukrzaliznytsia contracted 343 thousand tons of diesel fuel. Of these, 290 thousand tons were purchased under new contracts and 53 thousand tons – as part of the extension of the old contracts.
The largest supplier, taking into account the prolonged contracts of the previous year, was Trade Commodity – 93 thousand tons. Wexler Group delivered 87 thousand tons, Galnaftogaz – 82 thousand tons. Three new suppliers appeared at the UZ at once – Privat Group with 40 thousand tons, Glusko Ukraine (20 thousand tons) and Alliance Energy Trade (10 thousand tons). In 2019, Sokar Ukraine was unable to win a single tender and dropped out of the pool of suppliers of diesel fuel for Ukrzaliznytsia.
A source: enkorr