Vartist barrel of listopadovo naphthy Brent 27 sickle until 17:42 according to Kiev put up $ 58.81 (+ 1.19%). The WTI Zhitnefto Nafti Barrel was trading at $ 54.34 (+ 1.30%).
The price of naphtha went to the point of declaring US President Donald Trump about those who want to sign a new trade for the United States. I’m visiting my hometown, Vice Premier of China, Liu Hye half-educated, and now my country is ready to take the super-small hat with a whisper of “calm” talks for stable stability.
Statements, such as sounded from Washington and Pekin, concerned investors, touring with the prospect of a sharp increase in trade between the USA and China, as a result of which the Ministry of Commerce and Trade declined 50%, 78 Viroblenich in the United States. The number of uiyshli sira nafta, sіlskogospodarska products and small lіtaki has been in the country. Trump was instructed by American companies to vivchiti ways to close operational activities in China and transferring virobnitz products to the state.
Tim an hour, the Chinese naphtha giant Sinopec is hoping to get the best rates for importing crude oil from the United States, according to Reuters.
Stock up nafti and gasoline in the United States, yumovorno, passed the last tizhnya. When tsyomu stock distillates virosli. To evaluate the results of the galusevich analysis conducted by Reuters. Expertise is important, but behind the pouches of the last tidy of commerce, stocks of naphtha in the USA were 2.1 million bar.
Informs: enkorr